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Welcome to slingshot coaching



Mental Performance Coaching works.

This isn't therapy. We teach every athlete to apply the latest neuroscience and sports psychology tools, strategies and concepts to help them perform their best, bounce back from challenges, and find joy in the process – both in their sport and in life. 

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former D1 athletes who understand just how crucial an athlete’s mental strength and skills are to their overall performance and wellbeing.

As mental performance coaches, we help our athletes learn to manage emotions, increase resiliency, develop new perspectives, and ultimately rewire their brains so they can perform at their peak and enjoy their sport, and life, again.

We know first-hand the pressure, doubt, judgment, and challenges that come with being a high-level athlete. And because we’ve been there, and we know what’s possible, we believe that every athlete deserves to feel confident and capable. Coaching empowers our clients with the skills, perspectives, and tools they need to excel and find their joy again.

The Slingshot Difference

✔️ Improved attitude, confidence & self talk

✔️Quickly recover from mistakes & setbacks 

✔️Improved communication & body language

✔️More joy & motivation

✔️More focused & consistent performance

✔️Improved emotional regulation

✔️Embrace pressure, challenges & the growth process

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Schedule a free 20 minute call to learn more. 

Sports Performance Journal!

A secret of top performers is self reflection. Use this guided sports performance journal to discover how to be at your best more often and get the results you want. 

Get your copy now!